Throw some interesting album working titles / rejected titles at me
So I was just reading about how the forthcoming RHCP album had the working title of 'Dr Johnny Skinz's Disproportionately Rambunctious Polar Express Machine-head' - fucking ACE, I'm sure you'll agree. They've now abandoned this in favour of 'I'm With You'. Boooo!!
The Offspring were on the verge of calling one of their 00's records 'Chinese Democracy (You Snooze, You Lose)', which obviously would have been amazing. But, alas, they copped out at the last minute after Axl Rose interjected and threatened to sue their asses.
Famously, Kurt Cobain wanted to call Nirvana's third studio album 'I Hate Myself And I Want To Die', while Metallica wanted to name their debut album 'Metal Up Your Ass'.
Uh, so yeah...any other good ones?
Incidentally, the working title for this thread was 'Zero Replies (Fuck You All)'.