ATP Nightmare Before Xmas additions
Les Savy Fav's friday: Total Control Wild Flag, Oxes, Surfer Blood // Battles' saturday: Underground Resistance presents Intersteller Fugitives // Caribou's sunday: Four Tet, Theo Parrish, Toro Y Moi, Orchestra Of Spheres
This is shaping up really nicely. It's a great 'starting point' ATP: varied - a mix of pretty darn popular acts within the alternative word with the usual weird, far-out acts and a handful of reformed/re-pieced cult acts - and not too challenging, but still engaging and not too much of a repeat of former festivals.
I have a number of friends who are showing interest where the MBV one was seen as too and singularly guitar-heavy/noisy and last weekend's AnCo one a little too experimental for their tastes.