Bands that you should like but just don't...
You know what I mean - acts that you don't really understand why they're not your thing. You like a certain type of music and a bunch of bands that go with it but there are artists and bands that you don't 'get'. Or maybe bands that all your mates like and tell you to listen to, but they're not your thing. You've probably given them plenty of tries and maybe even pretended that you do like them. But sadly it just isn't happening.
For me:
Bonnie Prince Billy
The Flaming Lips
LCD Soundsystem
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
My friends and music critics alike rave about these acts - who are of course all very established. I've given them all what feels like days of my time and they just don't float my boat. Don't hate them at all. Just a bit 'meh'.
Anyone else got any artists they feel the same about?