About two-and-a-half weeks ago, quite by chance, I saw the best band I have seen in TWELVE years - JohnOssi.
JohnOssi, you lucky London people, are playing their very first gig outside of Sweden tomorrow night (wed 21st) at The Camden Barfly as part of a showcase.
You absolutely, 100%, definately have to, no NEED to, see this band - you will be blown apart and put back together again... amazing
They have a song called 'There's a lot of things to do before you die' - one of which is to see these boys on stage.
There. You've been told.
JohnOssi, you lucky London people, are playing their very first gig outside of Sweden tomorrow night (wed 21st) at The Camden Barfly as part of a showcase.
You absolutely, 100%, definately have to, no NEED to, see this band - you will be blown apart and put back together again... amazing
They have a song called 'There's a lot of things to do before you die' - one of which is to see these boys on stage.
There. You've been told.