I keep hearing that ''the music industry has changed man''. That with the advent of the musical download the game changed completely. i know people who've attended BBC Radio seminars where they've raved on about this topic for hours, how ''the model has changed'' Apparently the ''big labels'' were ****ting themselves seeing their cd sales plumet while people enjoyed the musical freedom of napster and alike..their domination was on the wain, but somehow they're still managing to dictate the airwaves and push trends..
in theory, i could record a song tommorrow, upload it to itunes, and if it sold enough copies i could have a number one hit. IN THEORY. but why doesn't this happen in practice?
its easy to point out the obvious ''multi million pound ad campain'' but with a resourse like the internet you can reach more people than the average tv ad.
is it because we don't take ''unsigned'' music seriously?
is it lack of radio play?
or is it purely down to the old foe, CASH
i've listened to alot of unsigned music and its certainly alot better than any simon cowel endorsed karaoke ****e.
and this isn't just some ''check us out'' thread for links to your band. i want opinions. its about sharing ideas on how it could be done. i'm convinced that there's enough talent out there for someone to really open the door for unsigned music. the question is when they open the door, will they just ''sign up'' and run!