Hhymn, Spokes, Mammal Club, Jeniferever, Middleman, Washington Irving, Enemies, My First Tooth, Johnny Foreigner, Curtis Eller + more!
Hi folks...
The Mad Ferret in Preston has a brand new website full of info on the upcoming lineup's for April.
Free entry events with the likes of Spokes, Mammal Club, Middleman, My First Tooth, Hhymn and Washington Irving.
£5 or less entry to see the likes of Curtis Eller, Johnny Foreigner, Jeniferever, Enemies, Killington Fall and Greg Holden.
PLUS... already confirmed for May we have Maybeshewill, You Slut!, Castrovalva, Gideon Conn, Over The Wall, The Laze, Tall Ships, Nick Harper, All The Young, I Concur, The Border Surrender, Kunt And The Gang, Three Trapped Tigers and Mistys Big Adventure.
Gig-goers, bands, agents and managers can contact the venue at...