Argh! Band... girls... song about boys... help!
Seeing that rolling news item on the front page about Ladytron has buzzed some tiny dormant memory in to life in the back of my brain. and now it's killing me that I just can't think of it!
I'm thinking of a band, made up of girls and I *think* with 'girls' or 'lady' or something in the band name. Not ladytron, not ladyhawk. Not spice girls.
And then the song was about boys - think it might have even been called 'the boys' or something....
Oh God it's physically hurting me trying to think what it was - kinda lo-fi electro-ish, dancy and even maybe a bit housey. plenty of bpm, almost a bit like an indie punk-ish techno.
please help someone, I'm dying over here!