Some changes/tweaks/fixes we made to DiS yesterday
Hi all,
Just wanted to update everyone with a few things we (well, tom__) fixed yesterday and a few small changes explained...
- Vanishing Threads (this was something to do with all the threads having the same default time as thread 4, as the number 4 in ruby on rails is the same as nil, so was making replies within the first two minutes of posting a new topic break things...not sure that makes sense but it is now fixed!)
- speech marks (not totally sure this bug is fixed but we'll continue to investigate, it's something to do with us upgrading the software that powers the server after the recent server crash)
- In Photos (broken code mess tidied up)
- RSS feeds for sub-sections are back on
- sharing area/buttons beneath articles and threads tidied up
- signing up and logging in via Facebook now works again
- tidied up posting DiS content to Facebook
- we made the ticker background darker so that it's slightly easier to read for those who asked for this
- enlarged the space between the advert and the menu to stop the more over zealous adverts dropping down
- a facebook like button beneath our logo
- a facebook-powered recommendations box --->
- we got rid of the number of users online count, as there are usually about 400 times more people on the site than those signed in, so the number is a little bit misleading/doesn't make the site seem as big. if you still want to know who's online, that page is here:
- over the past few weeks i've had to take some bits out of the sidebar ---> but not sure anyone noticed or is missing them but please pipe up if you are
Still to fix
- issues with people this-ing and then replying to threads when #replynumber is in the url of a thread, causing THREADSMASH
- sending out the emails with password reminders and account authentication (this should be fixed this afternoon)
- ability to send out mailouts
- mobile site
- heaps of other little things...anything pressing you need us to look into?
Thanks again for your patience and continued support. The past few weeks have been a little bit bumpy and overall the site has only ever been down for about 15 hours, which accounts for a large chunk of the 40 hours of total downtime over the 10 years DiS has been online - which isn't too bad considering the site was built initially during a summer holiday back in 2000, and has never undergone the levels of expensive development that some sites have had (although we also didn't have all the bells and whistles that the internet now has).
The site is now at a point where the site is a bit like a vintage car that needs a new engine as well as a lick of paint (the user interface is a little illogical in places, isn't it?), and that's what we're working over the next few weeks/months - especially as the last time we did any major development as about 5years ago, before Youtube even existed! As ever, suggestions and ideas are welcomed...and yes, we will one day have a mobile app!
p.s. for any one who's interested, this is a news story about