QOTSA Tickets Sold Out (inc touts rant)
I failed to bag tickets, and am pissed off. To be fair I didn't get near a computer or phone until 9.30, so only have myself to blame. I know its a pretty special gig, but I'm suspicious at just how quickly tickets sold out. I wouldn't be bothered if I felt genuine fans snapped them up, but I distinctly got the impression that almost every fucking ticket got hoovered up by touts.
Did anybody actually score any tickets to these shows? The genuine outlets either sold out or inaccessible, and yet there was no shortage of tickets on seatwave et al at, but these fucks were charging £100+ a ticket!
Seriously, who pays £100 to see a show? How have ticket agencies or promoters not got a better system preventing this from happening? tis a joke.
Anyway my plan is to head to the venue on the night and hope for the best.