weird tales for winter on (for fans of genres that begin with the letter 'h')
jonny mugwump and possibly some other people i'm not quite sure are doing this series on said london radio station. mugwump's regular show (exotic pylon) is real good, and i expect this will be too.
the line-up including Moon Wiring Club, Vindicatrix and Ensemble Economique is at this link:
so yeh, Pye Corner Audio are on now. good record:
and then Advisory Circle & Moon Wiring Club are on later. but i think they should all be on as podcast on the exotic pylon/weird tales website (which i can't seem to get to work atm, but it probably does normally)
in related news, how good does this look
and bristolians, i hear talk there is going to be a radiophonic workshop weekend at the beginning of april (i think). best thing ever?
also, r.i.p. Milton Bebbett who died earlier today: - amazing music.