I can't think of a better term. Anyway, thread for recommendations in this genre if it exists. Loud guitars, choruses, weird bits, superfluous instrumentation- I love that shit.
Couple of obvious ones:
Fugazi - The Argument
Pretty much a pefect album IMHO, beautifully produced as well. Love Full Disclosure, Strangelight, Ex-Spectator. And has 2 drummers at points!
Rival Schools - United by Fate
Argh love this album so much! Walter Shriefel's voice is so cool as well, and the guitars sound MASSIVE on this record. There's so many good tracks that don't immediately hit you with their awesomeness, like The Switch and So Down On.
One lesser known one:
Burning Airlines - Mission Control
It's that guy from Jawbox who I think of being Baskin Robbins but with a slightly different name. Anyway, it's like a slightly poppier Jawbox, with a bit more space in the arrangements. Bizarrely got back into it after not giving it a spin for about 6/7 years.