A thread about how great De Rosa were (AKA: Let's talk about bands who were criminally overlooked)
De Rosa were amazing. How amazing we'll probably never know, as they split up after 2 records and virtually no album sales. But the two they left us with are properly brilliant.
They're also both on Spotify.
I suspect most of you would love them for these reasons:
• The lead singer has a great Scottish accent
• The music is atmospheric and right up the street of any National / Field Music / Chemikal Underground fans
• The lyrics are great
• Both albums they made are pretty different
I implore you to investigate them. Unless you already have, in which case LET'S TALK DE ROSA!
Or else, name someone who you loved and nobody else seemed to. Not like Electrelane or CSS, I mean someone who never EVER get talked about on here.