New Music on daytime Radio1 this week
Any of you been tuned in to this? Thoughts?
I was interviewed about it for the Guardian just before xmas, which ran in the Guardian today
Just heard Zane blasting Smiths, Metallica and Beastie Boys, whilst in conversation with Corey from Slipknot?! With Huw blasting LCD and the Cribs yesterday ( ) it maybe isn't what I thought it might be. But then my comment was sort of about what BBC doing in the evenings the majority of the time and my fears of the new-new-new music, causing a churnover of things even folks here are vaguely aware of before moving onto the next (and the affects some bands here who've been championed have mentioned).
Anyway, Annie Mac is now on and promises some Lykke Li and Chilly Gonzales, so my fears are allayed.