The 100 greatest albums you've (possibly) never heard... - The DiS Edition
So yesterday's NME list sparked a lot of debate but I'm sure it'd be far more interesting to get a list of little known albums that DiSsers hold dear and are always shocked when friends haven't heard them. Doesn't necessarily haven't be the least known records that you suggest, just something exceptional that you really think people should investigate.
Here's five to kick it off, although I don't doubt that many of you already know these records and that I could have picked a few more 'out there' records but I really love these records and am always surprised when folks haven't heard them...
#1 - Tarwater - The Needle Was Travelling
Sipping from the same jug as the Avalanches but washing it down with a double dose of Trans Am-ish Kraut, back in 2005 this German duo - including Ronald Lippok of To Rococo Rot - were a little ahead of these sprawling electronic times. I've thrown this record on as parties have started a few times and folks always ask what it is by the time the second track 'Stone' kicks in.
#2 - Colder - Heat
Oddly, every so often, Top Gear seem to use their tunes and am sure most folks watching think it's a White Lies/Editors/Interpol remix but there's something altogether different about this French New Order fan Marc Nguyen Tan, who manages to make the grumpiest dance music I've ever heard.
#3 - White Williams - Smoke
This Roxy Music-ish record got about two weeks of blog love and then seemed to vanish without a trace.
#4 - The Veils - The Runaway Found
One of the most under-rated debut albums I've ever heard. How this band are yet to crossover into the mainstream is one of indie's biggest mysteries. Sits somewhere between a Badseeds ballad, a star-strewn Buckley epic and the hits by Travis that at one time it was acceptable not to hate.
#5 - The Sea & Cake - Everybody
A band's band. Or at least bands that I've worked with/been drawn to like Jeniferever and Redjetson have been big fans of the shimmering expanse of this lot from Chicago. The band features John McEntire who's also in Tortoise but this is a trillion times warmer (in a sort of Shins jamming with Broken Social Scene sort of way) and more skittering than that might suggest.
let's see if we can get to a 100 and i'll try to drop them into the playlist as folks suggest them.