Getting caught up on Siousxie and the Banshees
For the longest time I only had The Scream. A few months ago while listening I questioned why I hadn't gotten into them like other seminal bands from the era so I instantly sought to rectify it. I bought Kaleidoscope next but I passed over the remastered version because of a few reviews saying the first 3 albums's weren't remastered well. Due to how awesome Kaleidoscope was (I'm still kicking myself for not owning it for 20 years) I bought JuJu and A Kiss in the Dreamhouse both amazing. I did buy the remastered version of dreamhouse and the sound is so good i'm wondering if I hadn't made a mistake and should trade in my other one's for the remastered editions.
So that's where I'm at now. Where should I go from here? And are there any I should avoid?