Re: Future of DiS
Thank you for your continued patience with all the little niggles and bugs on DiS. Here's a little bit of a head's up Just posted this in my blog in response to something I read
Not meaning to jag my personal blog but wanted to highlight it here, to let those of you who said you'd like to help support the site know that I've spent the past week doing further investigation and formulating plans and will have more details next week.
In the meantime, if you had any additional thoughts on stuff you might like to pay for (limited edition t-shirts repeatedly came up previously) or far-flung ideas, I'd be really curious to hear them. I'm thinking of all sorts of ideas for regulars like a VIP user account but not figured out all the functionality we could build in, as well as stuff people with lotsa money who maybe don't read DiS but are music fans might pay for (like doing guided tours?!). Silly ideas welcomed.
Thank you,