Her Name is Calla - The Quiet Lamb : Out on Monday!
Our new album The Quiet Lamb is released in the UK on monday 8th Nov (though some people are stocking it already.
Available on CD/Vinyl/DL
Looks like this:
Sounds like this:
Some people said this about it:
"As debut albums go ‘The Quiet Lamb’ is incomparable. In fact it’s pretty much incomparable to any other record I’ve heard. Put simply, it’s one of the most extraordinary and awe-inspiring records released by a British band for quite some time. Genuinely brilliant.8.5/10"
"The scope that the band display here is by equal measures awe-inspiring and terrifying.9/10
"Her Name Is Calla … make some of the most beautiful, epic music I’ve heard. […] It’s an album that transcends genres… a landscape of sound, at once both experimental and accessible." 8.5/10 The 405
"With its post rock, symphonic-like soundscapes and barrage of emotion, ‘The Quiet Lamb’ is very little short of an audio masterpiece." 4.5/5