"If Cox and friends simply concentrated on what they do well - a singular mix of power pop and shoegaze - Deerhunter could make beginning-to-end great albums, instead of albums containing great moments"
This was a view expressed in a conversation about Halcyon Digest on another forum and frankly, I couldn't agree more.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some of the floating vibes - I'm listening to Logos for the first time right now and digging it - but give me an albums worth of tracks like Nothing Ever Happened, Twilight At Carbon Lake, Never Stops, Desire Lines, Helicopter, Saved By Old Times etc and it'd be mindblowingly good. Like, fucking amazing.
I know a lot of people dig the variety of sounds and the haziness but when they lock into a solid groove and just rip shit apart, for me it's so much superior. (Is that what Crypotgrams sounds like? Maybe I should check that.)
It does seem like Cox is moving away from the propulsive rhythms and captivating hooks that make half of Deerhunter's output so damn strong.