Tim Ten Yen
Anyone heard him?! Saw him tonight somewhere in Camden and he was ACE. Seriously ACE. I was grinning like something that grins ALOT from beginning to end. He started sat down with a keyboard and the controller for the smoke machine, moved on to a sinister cat and then stood up and shaked his bootie all the while singing along fantastically to his backing CD. Which was skipping a fair bit but he still sounded great. Apparently he'll have an ipod next time..... At the moment I can't come up with anything better than describing him as a mixture of a city boy, jarvis and talking heads but that's not really good enough...
hmm, I'm going to find him and make him play one of my parties :oD You should look him up.
hmm, I'm going to find him and make him play one of my parties :oD You should look him up.