A swift blend of something dissimilar
Maybe you've been looking for something a little different recently, but every time you listen to something "different", it comes out the same. Have you ever wondered how Electro, Acoustic, Jazz and a little mind-bending could meld so comfortably together into a beautiful eclectic confusion?
Try a bit of Trwbador on for size. Perhaps start with their track Off-Beat: an erratic medley of Trip Hop and Electronica with lashings of pounding Dance shoved in for good measure.
Trwbador have new release "It Snowed A Lot Today" coming out soon and are quite excited about it. They have been given quite a bit of coverage lately, by the BBC to name but one, and deservingly so indeed. To hear what some of the other people of the world are listening to, check out any of these links: