British Sea Power / Future of the Left on Friday..
..Did anyone go? And if so thoughts?
A bit of a veteran of Mclusky / FOTL gigs and first experience of the new line up so maybe took a bit of getting used to personally. Thought the new bass player was great, the 2nd guitarist brought nothing bar 'on stage banter' and was kind of sad / disappointed the biggest reaction of the night was for 2 Mclusky songs. As has been discussed before on these boards I just can't see them ever playing bigger venues than the one on Friday. They just appear to be doomed to that level of success and get the feeling Falco knows it. Hope I'm wrong and one new song in particular was brilliant, they're ultimately just too abrasive to reach bigger audiences / have wider acclaim I think. Or maybe I've just seen them too many times and I'm talking bollox.
BSP were their usual selves and fairly entertaining without blowing the roof off the place. Worst sound at a gig in a while though, Mr soundman pissed / on crack for sure.