Music Services/Social Networks: Ping, Soundcloud,, etc...
Hi All,
Spent the past hour trying to get my head more around Ping (the new social network feature in iTunes 10), as my piece for the Sunday Times today seems to have bristled people somewhat up the wrong way. Spent quite a while trying to find people worth following, who're actively using the service and recommending things but can't find any folks on there... I did find HEALTH and Trent Reznor and a bunch more
Anyone here found anyone on Ping worth following?
Anyway, my biggest question was, which sites/services/apps do you use for music on the web? Just a little list would be great.
I still really like for new bands and also like for music news, plus my inbox is handy for listening to things people have shared and Twitter is good for getting some recommendations and Tumblr is good for subscribing to blogs (great list of blogs to follow here: . And still prefer to use for my gig calendar but I do like Songkick for that... maybe one day someone will make all these services work together, under one internetz roof?
Curious to hear what you're liking but also any services you've tried that have been rubbish.