Ok, so I guess I really like HURTS new album 'Happiness'...
...and I was always going to be fond of it given my weakness for this sort of stuff so I might as well get the bias out straight away. These boys will obviously be divisive; there are those who think they're just doing a lame homage to greater pop heroes of yesteryear, those who think this stuff had it's day and seems far too dated, and those who hated this stuff the first time around.
The only problem is this 'stuff' they seem to do very well indeed. It's ridiculous and shamelessly anthemic but I'm not asking for a deep and meaningful when I listen to the album nor do I want some personal connection beyond how the songs make me feel when I listen to them and they really lift my heart like all the best shamelessly melancholy pop does.
I really don't take them as seriously as they take themselves and I don't think you have to. HURTS have written a bunch of songs which tug at nostalgic memories - they're more 'Smash Hits' or 'Going Live' than 'Q ', 'DiS' or even 'NME' but shit, that WAS music for me long before I got more selective about it.
I hate to write an endorsement of an artist as one long defense but I think anyone who likes this group will probably find they'll spend most of their time doing that anyway. Go on listen to it and let go, it won't hurt.