The whole Owl City / Postal Service furore
So, someone just shoved the former's album on at work. Sweet baby Jesus, it's similar isn't it?
I'm a bit late on this, I know, but need some closure. So were people up in arms because:
1) It's a shameful rip off of one of their most beloved and financially skint artists, and he is owed a debt.
2) Having someone mainstream making music like this meant one of their indie crushes went and essentially got all popular, meaning they'd have to publicly disown Ben and then find someone else to tastefully wank over.
3) It was bad enough having one of them...
Also, did people who love the latter hate the former's music? Because I know obviously one was the original, and probably doesn't have rather banal songs about going to the dentists, but superficially they seem essentially the same band to these ears?
Or did we all stop caring about this in 2008?