Which bands COULD reform and not fuck it up?
Everyone reforms these days, don't they? I mean, why do something new when you can just repeat the same old trick 100 times, increasing it's price slightly each time around. I've been doing it for 10 years now I guess...
So who could reform AND pull it off. I say:
• Life without buildings - They won't, but could do, being quite young and that.
• Arab Strap / The Delgados - They could do, and wouldn't need to jump around much, so they'd be ok. They're probably make good new stuff too.
• Sleater-Kinney / Electrelane - If ANYONE could reform and do it well, then it's these guys. GET A MOVE ON YEAH.
• Au Pairs - Will never, EVER happen. But I can dream.
• Prolapse / KaitO - Wouldn't happen as it'd need more people there than just me to make it worthwhile. The former could do, the latter may not as Nikki is busy with the also very awesome Factory Floor.
• Elastica - It'd probably suck ass, they were lazy fuckers first time around.
Yeah I know brightonb, it's all about 'the future'...
Your turn please.