Music has become like disposable plastic bags.
Just my little rant that music has almost become like disposable plastic bags.
In the sense that it's just so quick, easy and free to get, that some of the appreciation has gone. There's not really any physical ownership of albums now, i think something has been really lost now.
it's basically for a lot of people rip something off a blog, chat about it like it life changing for two days then forget about it and get something else. It's almost become one upmanship "have you heard this?" no "what about this?" it's like musical top trumps. I get kids quoting a hundred and one bands that I’ve never heard of, how can you appreciate that much music there's not enough hours in the day. it's all about new music, it's almost become a competition to find it and the music getting lost in the middle of it. Used to mean something when you owned it, made you appreciate it more cause you'd spent hard earned on it and you had something you could hold in your hands.
Anyway I’m a old man, Blah blah blah, i'm off to rip that everything everything album off a blog!