Humor in music.
Underrated? Under-appreciated? Under-used?
I think so.
So take this opportunity to post tracks and tell me what makes it funny to you. Im not looking for Weird Al/Flight of the Concords type stuff here. It doesn't have to be in the lyrics, it doesn't have to be a full track of humor, could just be a funny sounding instrument, a vocal snip, a poignant punch-line, a stabbing insult, whatever makes it funny personally for you.
Heres a good quote from a Stylus article on the subject:
"Think for a sec: How many records have you applied the “'serious' or not” criteria to? How many times have you decided humor trivialized an “otherwise” good album without pondering how successful the album would’ve been without humor? Do you take it for granted that humor, especially of the irreverent variety, usually hurts not helps? Indie rock and indie-rock journalism don’t hate fun. But the Serious Question is symptomatic of a serious undervaluing of musical humor. “Funny” bands routinely tickle critics. Think of Clor, the Diableros, Exploding Hearts, the Fiery Furnaces, the Futureheads, LCD Soundsystem, Man Man, Mclusky—I’ll stop at M in my iTunes. But reviews of these bands often talk around the music’s silly or flip aspects and focus instead on serious issues like form, without considering how those elements might be related. If the Unicorns are innovative, it’s because they take daring risks with songwriting syntax, like sometimes playing two (2) bridges on the same track, and not because they put their entire fucking musical enterprise on the line by writing quasi-fable lyrics that aspire to total retardation. Critics shouldn’t treat humor like an ant on the watermelon; they should treat it as they do serious elements like polyrhythms. Likewise, bands who glut us with bankable voltaic structures should be challenged to challenge us more. If these changes came to pass, laughter would almost certainly reclaim its place in the scene. And the music would be loads better for it."