Are we allowed to just talk about how awesome some random Sonic Youth tracks are, for no other reason than that they are indeed awesome?
I think 'Pink Steam' is one of their finest achievements. It twists their own sound up with that incredible, propulsive momentum, it ebbs and flows, and makes you immediately want to skip back and play it again. For me it captures everything that late-period Sonic Youth can be at its best, all melodic and loose and the sound of really talented musicians not showing off at all and ploughing their own path.
Other honorary mentions go to 'Inhuman', for being genuinely a bit scary and dangerous-sounding and the grimy sound of early 80s New York, and 'JC' for that keening, rise-and-fall bass line and the increasingly urgent vocals and guitars wrapped around it.
Would anyone else like to chip in on this potentially mundane topic? It's a slow day at work...