Yesterday's purchases
Bit skint and I was in a very poorly stocked music shop so all I managed was three records.
Broken Broken - Broken Bells: Really enjoying this so far, not really an album with standout tracks that you'll stick on in isolation - although there are some particularly great tracks. Just a great album to stick on and listen to from end to end.
Boards of Canada - Music has the right to children: Been meaning to get this for about ten years now. Had it on earlier while I was working away on the laptop. Got a feeling it will accompany many a late night brooding session this summer.
The National - The National: Finding it hard so far to appreciate this. It's a bit like if you had bought Pablo Honey after only having heard OK Computer, Kid A and In Rainbows. It just makes me want to listen to Alligator, Boxer or High Violet. I shall persevere nonetheless.
Nearly got that 65 days of Static album but it was £14 which I thought was a bit unreasonable.