Trouble Books in the UK in September
Hi Guys,
I just got an email through that I've been waiting literally for years, Trouble Books are coming to the UK for a week, probably the 14th to 19th September, for the first time ever. I'm going to put them on in Manchester, any help there of course would be much appreciated, but we're also looking for a few shows around the country, London would be nice and well anywhere else who would like them to play! I'm hugely excited about this and hopefully a couple of other kind folks are as well.
If you don't know Trouble Books well then you're in for a treat, they are a gorgeous experimental ambient pop group from Akron, Ohio.
Boomkat said "This Ohio-based band return with another helping of their remarkably lovely, almost ambient experimental songwriting. Gathered Tones embraces warm, vintage synth designs along with lightly processed instrumental recordings and other such digitally manipulated ephemera, providing a rich, tapestry-like backdrop for meandering vocals and quirky song narratives. Melodious, musically spell-binding and ultimately rather moving, Gathered Tones comes with a high recommendation."
While the guardian had quite a funny piece on them here, , and said "These drowsy, hazy songs suggest an alternate reality Brian Wilson making crackly, cheapo synth ditties in his bedroom"
You can spotify their latest album here , its really good.
So drop me a line here or by email if you think you can help or you know someone who might be able to!
Thanks for your time and once again woo trouble books are coming to the uk!!