Albums that crept up on you...
Here's the place to tell us about albums that slowly crept their way into your affections.
When I first heard 'Gorilla Manor' by Local Natives I thought it was good but didn't really get blown away or listen to it regularly. It seemed doomed to slip into the albums in my collection that were bought, briefly sampled and then drifted into the obscurity of never being played - it's shameful how often I let that happen to good albums these days. But the Local Natives album was saved when on a whim I stuck it on when I woke up hungover in a strange house. It went down a treat but I thought nothing more of it.
During the next few days though my brain seemed to all of a sudden crave the opportunity to hear it again. It kept throwing snippets of some of the songs into my head on a loop - songs I didn't even really know, I certainly couldn't have named them. Now it is a definite go to album when I'm a certain mood and I've no doubt it'll at least qualify for the top 20, if not the top 10, come the end of the year.
Any similar stories from your collection?