Levellers & Nick Harper for Rhuddlan Castle Rocks Aug 7 2010
The Levellers and Nick Harper will be taking part in Rhuddlan Castle Rocks on August 7 2010
This charity show (the first acoustic music festival to be held at the historic Rhuddlan Castle), in support of the Love Hope Strength Foundation, will also feature The Levellers and Mike Peters (The Alarm).
Castle Gates, Castle St, Rhuddlan, Rhyl Tel: 01745 590 777
Gates 4.30 p.m.
Show runs from 5pm - 8pm
Tickets £15.00 in advance available from 9.00 am on Friday May 7 2010.
National Ticketline – Tel: 01745 571571
All proceeds from 'Rhuddlan Castle Rocks' will go directly to Cancer Care in North Wales, the national health service organisation which diagnosed and successfully treated Mike Peters (a two times cancer survivor) for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) in 2005/06 and Non Hodgkins Lymphoma (1995).