Microphone question
If I buy a Behringer mic (like the C-1) will it be really bad, or will it be ok if I pair it up with an Art Tube MP preamp?
I have a budget of under £100 (so I know I am aiming at definite bottom range type stuff, but that's fine, anything is better than what I'm currently working with) and my needs aren't very great, I just need something which will give a nice crisp, warm sound for making some nice chilled out demos that don't sound like they've been recorded on a rubbish mic going in to a shitty laptop mic input (interface sorts that out though to be fair).
My setup will be mic -> maybe a preamp -> mixer -> recording interface -> laptop. I'm thinking with this setup, a cheap condenser mic will do me and it seems to be either get a Behringer mic or start paying upwards of £100. Can't find much of a middle ground. Did fancy a Rode NT-1 after my friend recommended it but I just can't quite find it cheap enough anywhere.
Advices please music makers. Thanks!