iPod-laptop-external hard drive-syncing woes, please help.
Is there anyway to store your music on an external hard-drive and not on a Macbook laptop, and still sync the iPod and keep it up to date without it saying the iPod is corrupted EVERY GOD DAMN TIME (you may be able to guess this is causing me some frustration.) I've read around on the internet and it seems others have had this problem and it might be to do with trying to use both USB ports simultaneously, but once you go through the hassssle of restoring and re-syncing your iPod it does actually sync off the hard drive onto the iPod. Until the next magical time when gee golly guess what, it's corrupted, and you have to restore and resync again, or more likely just give up on the hope of ever listening to something new on your iPod.
I was wondering if any of you on here have found a magical solution or at least shared my pain?
Apologies if this is in the wrong forum.