Who wants to start a band in Manchester (with me)?
(copied a bit from the introduce yrself thread)
I just bought a drum machine and want to start a cool allgirl pop band. I have and can play a bit: guitar, bass, drum machine lol like i just said ha, violin, keybaord, vocals. Join in. I don't mind if some boys want to join anyway. They would be welcome. But I just find it easier to envisage myself playing with three or so other girls. I think I just want to meet more cool friends who are girls.
Bands I think we should continue in the spirit of: Guided By Voices, Tiger Trap, the Shaggs, the Shrieking Violets, Ariel Pink, the Waitresses, any sort of hip lofi indiepop TNV bands, the Fall (getting a bit broad now, but you get the idea...). I wish I could say will be the next Dinosaur Jr but as you may have gathered it will be conviently amateurish but really good pop music.
Image would be important. Like, we would do lots of colouring in and make sure our outfits match and amazing merchandise and tshirts that we designed.
We could be called Herr Baby. It means Mr Baby.