Nostalgia Sessions
I hardly ever do a random nostalgia session, but today I thought I’d dig out some stuff I’d not heard for ages. Usually stuff I really dug at the time, I got curious to see if I still thought the same… I’ll do something else I don’t do very often too, score them out of ten, twice! Once for what I felt then and what I feel now, if I can’t recollect to what I thought back then.
Broken Social Scene – You Forget In People
Then: 8/10 Now: 5/10
So much filler, it sags all over the place. These are still hits: stars and sons, cause = time, maybe a few of the first ones. Maybe I always dug the s/t more to be honest.
Volcano! – Beautiful Seizure
Then: 9/10 Now: 9/10
Still brilliant! Its really drawn me in again with its scizo off the wall twisting, turning vibrancy. Hits: fire fire, apple or a gun, and that… Gonna have to dig out the follow up Paperworks later now.
LCD Soundsystem – Sound Of Silver
Then: 8/10 Now: 4/10
Even the songs I loved first time round: someone great & all my friends didn’t grab me this morning and that really surprised me, I thought I’d always love those two, maybe I will another day. I forgot how good the beat to get innocuous! was though. The rest is just bad L
Wolf Parade – Apologies To The Queen Mary
Then: 8/10 Now: 8/10
About the same I reckon, still loving: modern world, I’ll believe in anything & fancy claps a lot. I’m kind of surprised I still really like it, bonus. It’s a pity the follow up album sucked hard.
Bright Eyes – Digital Ash In A Digital Urn
Then: 9/10 Now: 6/10
I bloody loved this at the time especially: take it easy (love nothing) & hit the switch. Now it still sounds ok but I don’t feel connected to it anymore and his voice is more annoying than I remember. He’s still loads better than when he goes really country, I can’t even face I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning after this.
The Rapture – Echoes
Then: 6/10 Now: 8/10
I always wanted to like this band more than I did; now I think I’ve achieved that, just... I’d always loved: house of jealous lovers but it turns out the rest isn’t too bad either, bar the odd annoying bit and a lot better than I remember.
Daft Punk – Discovery
Then: 9/10 Now: 5/10
I used to spin this so much, now I can hardly get through a track and keep skipping until I get to the sublime veridis quo, which I’ve always loved to bits. Aerodynamic and harder, better, faster, stronger aren’t as exciting as I remember them at all. Maybe its all just been rinsed to much. I’ve still got love for Da Punk but not in this album right now.
If you’re in the mood, do your own…