"The reason for this level of involvement and devotion is that Noel's best songs make a primal connection with the listener, without them ever really being able to figure out why". (BBC News)
"And as well as the singing, football-style chants of his name occasionally erupted on the Royal Albert Hall's terraces. The reason for this level of involvement and devotion is that Noel's best songs make a primal connection with the listener, without them ever really being able to figure out why.
Noel and Liam Gallagher split after a bust-up last August
In those songs, he tapped into themes like romantic idealism, nagging insecurity, vanishing youth, domestic drama, dreams of escapism - all of which struck a chord with his fans somewhere deep down, despite the fact that, if you actually listened to them, his lyrics did not make very much sense at all."
Extract taken from a BBC review of Noel Gallagher's first post-Oasis solo show: