Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea by PJ Harvey
I'm just listening to this for the first time in years, and the first time through decent headphones, and it really is a completely stunning album.
I remember getting it when it came out as a 15 year old and thinking it was good, but listening to it now it makes a lot more sense. A perfectly realised album - I love the production.
Must be up there with the best UK albums of the 00's, right? I'd say it was probably the best.
Why are half her records cack though? Or are they? I remember getting 'Is This Desire?' and thinking it was bollocks, and I heard 'Uh Huh Her' at a friends house and it just totally washed over me. Never really connected with the older ones as a youngster either.
Definitely gonna have a grown up re-listen to Dry and Rid of Me on Spotify now.