Rank idiots who complain when DiS goes down....
Apparently DiS was experiencing problems recently...anyone else find it a stunningly pisspoor indictment of present society that so many users would
complain to high heaven that it's down?
The MEFREENOWWAHWAHWAH crybaby bitches that exist is frankly ridiculous.
Yes DiS is a great, great site but nobody has the right to complain when it suffers tech issues WHEN YOU DON'T DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTE FISCALLY.
I see it all the time when MySpace and facebook go down; it might as well be Armageddon.
I imagine its nails as fuck to rely on advertising revenue to keep the site running. And I've had my fill of whining twats who have somehow lost this link between a great place to come that is provided to them FREE OF CHARGE and
misguided complaints.
The only scenario in which complaints are permissible is if you we're a paid subscriber. If Last FM, Spotify et al went down and you were a paid subscriber, fill your boots you've paid for a service that is being denied.
DiS is given to you the consumer GRATIS, so pretty please with sugar on top, check yourself before you launch your tirade against something you do nothing to maintain the financial upkeep of.