How does everyone here generally acquire new music?
Being a young person obsessed with music who happens to be in a low-paid job - which I imagine is a fairly well-represented demographic here - I very rarely have any money left over to buy music, once bills and living and all that shit is sorted out. It amazes me the amount of new music that a lot of posters seem to get through.
Presumably, most people illegally download stuff, which is something I've never done for all the hoary old reasons to do with supporting musicians etc. Either that or you have a bit more free cash to spend I guess.
The other possibility I suppose is music subscription services, like Napster and so on. If anyone knows of a decent pay-monthly service (ideally compatible with iTunes, although I don't know if such a thing exists) I'd be interested in that. Also I've still not got on board with Spotify for some reason. I think because I really like to own albums. Still... what does everyone think? Should I embrace Spotify to meet this unquenched thirst?