Promoting help needed urgently
This is usually the cue for Martbowski to go "you're no good, stop doing it", which is the only response anyone gives to any of the threads I've started in the last three months, but I really need advice with this one.
I'm doing a gig on Thursday, and it doesn't look like the headliners are going to bring many in so I've got two local supports. One has pulled out, and every other local band who might fit in that I've approached to replace is either otherwise engaged, or has a gig within a week of mine that they say they think more of their fans would come to so they'll have to decline, or is shit. The headliners have said they'll bring their mates down, but they're nobody you'd have heard of and would add another £50 or so without any more people coming. I've had an offer from one semi-local band, but they say they won't have time to round up anyone who'd be likely to come and see them.
What would you do? Don't say cancel.