Sonic Router: Interview & Mix from HxdB [Mindset/Formant]
Channelling that productive pocket of the underground where labels like Echodub and Formant Recordings seem to deservedly flourish, Canadian producer HxdB, has to date released only one physical 12", 'Prism,' on the Manchester based label Mindset. But on the strength of it - particularly the rolling sophistication of the single's Bside 'Showdown At The Cinema' - and of those few listens to his digital releases on the afore mentioned Echodub and Dubkraft labels, along with his Electronic Explorations mix, we asked him to craft something for us to better introduce his music to the globe.
In between flights to Thailand, he shot us a link to his mix instalment, humbly questioning if we were still up for having him. Luckily he had us sold at the F - 'Phase One' > DJ Madd - 'I Know It's You' transition...
FBOM - Erat (HxdB RMX) {Migration]
Zed Bias - Cauldron [Sidestepper]
VVV - Flyaway (HxdB RMX) [dub]
F - Phase One [7even]
DJ Madd - I Know It's You [BOKA]
Daega Sound - Forest Floor [dub]
XI - Gravity [Pressing Issues]
Mayhem - Damn [Argon]
Distal - Attempt at Yellow [dub]
Shortstuff - Stuff [Ramp]
Zeno - Clish [dub]
Freeland - Do you (Joker RMX) [Marine Parade]
Noah D - Seeeriousss [Subway]
Numbernin6 - Fours [dub]
Autopilot - Household Symphony [dub]