Does driving interfere with your enjoyment of music?
I mean seriously. I have held off learning to drive for a long time but the pressure to purchase the motorised ecological disaaster that is the car has come to a head.
I am really quite concerned because music is very important to me, it's not something to put on in the background while I do other things, and that hobby is a largely solitary affair that benefits from long commutes to work and generally being forced to walk from place to place.
As far as I can see pedestrianisation suits the music ethusiast mightily well. It provides the time you need and the freedom to concentrate on the music rather than on the road. Driving may be very efficient, but that's just the problem, as your journeys are almost always too quick to get an album in. More than this, aren't you condemned to invest in a rediculously expensive car stereo to go some way to making up for the far superior sound quality your likely to be getting from your MP3.
Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill here? Can someone offer me a ray of hope that wheels do not threaten something which brings great joy to my life?