The Unwinding Hours(formerly Aereogramme)
On their myspace profile The Unwinding Hours modestly point out that it may or may not be of interest to you that they used to play in a band called Aereogramme. For most that will probably be of significant interest, because shortly before their demise in 2007 Aereogramme released arguably one of the most divisive albums in recent memory. My Heart Has A Wish That You Would Not Go split fans right down the middle, many lauded it as the band's finest piece of work whereas many others derided it's lighter polished sound and often cheesy sentimental lyrics, claiming it lacked the nuance which enriched their previous work. As is often the case though the truth lies somewhere in the grey area between those two opposing opinions. It certainly wasn't quite as heavy as their earlier releases but the ferocity was still there, only it was applied with a more eloquent restraint. Equally whilst songs were occasionally marred by overly sentimental lyrics they were more often enhanced by lyrics which displayed a sincerity unencumbered by needlessly complex analogy or metaphor, and in the process struck upon a glorious resonance.