Anyone heard Lonelady''s debut 'Nerve Up' yet?
I managed to get hold of it and have been listening to it on my commutes today - it's impressive, I must say. On first listen, it's clear that there is nothing particularly anthemic nor is there any pop appeal to this album. It appears to be a collection of stripped down, largely guitar led low-fi tracks, but each one is glorious and they soon grab you.
She's a different kettle of fish to all of the other female artists laced in 80's nostalgia, who are hitting the big time at the moment. Where as Florence and Natasha may put you in mind of Kate Bush at her most ethereal or bombastic, and Gaga might trade on the Madonna archetype, Julie Campbell finds her muse in artists from a much earlier period of the 80s.
The result is something which sounds great. The music is stripped down - the bare minimum use of synthesizers, as and only when they are needed, and this coupled with some fantastically catchy, spiky guitar work that sounds so BLOODY COOL! Finally, there's Julie's voice which lends something fresh to this sound. You can almost imagine, had this stuff been created by a man, then we'd have some predictable 'Curtis-esque' vocal delivery but instead the feminine vocals give it a different flavour - imagine Annie Lennox had learned to have played guitar and steered away from unnecessary caterwauling.
Genuinely advise others to seek it out, if they haven't already. And all of this on a shoe string budget, recorded in an old mill in Manchester.