Pick songs for my pupils to assess
Instead of having my standard grade (GCSE) class write a critical essay on poetry (they'd hate it) i've decided to have them write their folio piece on the lyrics of a song.
I don't want to let them choose their own song, since they'll pick a load of drivel which has wholly superficial lyrics. I also think it'd be better if it's something that they'll at least have heard of (although i'm open to suggestions on this one).
Other applicable rules:
1. swearing is ok, but only if it's sporadic and not gratuitous (no (hed)p.e. please, shucks)
2. use of imagery in the lyrics is preferrable
3. something that's not completely cryptic. They're a lovely bunch of kids, but a very middle section, so they're not exactly winning awards for their skills in English (no Mars Volta or At the Drive-In, please)