[JAG] Free download - Lean Horse Marathon
Hey guys, admittedly I don't post here very often any more - but thought I'd bring this one to your attention, as it could be one that some of you folks may enjoy! - It's a free download too, so worth a shot :)
In what could be an early contender for one of 2010's finest so far, Lean Horse Marathon unleashes these blissful seven tracks onto us all. Here we get to listen to Lean Horse Marathon at his enthralling and delicate best, lush harmonies, swirling rhythms, and enticing melodies that will surely draw you into a dreamlike state.
Sounding like a condensed Windy & Carl, or a less poppy Landing, these tracks have a unity which fit like a glove. Listening in part does not seem to do this the justice that it deserves.
There are elements from earlier releases that still exist - a strong folk vibe, and an earthy feel flow through this releases veins, at times reminiscent of Microphones, but whereas previous releases may have had a number of "singles", this is definitely more of an album-album. A provocative and enchanting release that is sure to win many new fans.