2000 - 2010: The ambient decade.
Ambient clearly hasn't been as popular in the last decade as the preceding one, but still some great records have been made. I'm here to start a debate about the best in the last decade, your favourites, and what they sound like. Try not to just list records, explain in short why their your favourite and what type of ambient they are (drone, dub etc.).
I'll start with a few;
Secede: Tryshashla
Combining pianos, ambience, vocals and a hell of a lot of truly outstanding sounds to create a complex, utterly breathtaking record. It's not entirely original, but its influences combined create something entirely new. The album at times is like how I imagine the skies to sound, absolutely gorgeous. Check out Kettel as well if you like this, both make fantastic ambient.
Max Richter: The Blue Notebooks
Ambient mixed with extracts of a Franz Kafka record being read throughout, so high brow literature for lazy bastards really. It's odd how well it works, and is enchantingly simple and glorious.
Hammock: Kenotic
Dense, layered ambience covered in rich textures and soft rhythms, a record I can't help but return to in the winter for it's beauty. Their later stuff is more minimalist and droney, but this album is my favourite, sounding like a soft winters day on an empty mountain.
So, tell me some ambient records from the last decade you adore and explain why. I'm fed up with ambient, one of the most varied genres being forgotten by most, when it is often the most sublime.