Some of the most sensible things I've read about music in a long while... - worth reading all of it but my favourite sentiment (and Seth Godin, is a bit of a guru, although specialises in marketing rather than music) is this
" much of what people call great art (whether it's a book or a song or a way of doing customer service) isn't actually great, it's merely “very good.” Very good music is unheard every day, because very good music is not in short supply. There's a huge surplus of it....
...Great means unsettling. Great means open to criticism. Great means booed off stage. And great music, like a great idea, spreads. Ideas that spread, win, and so the goal today is not to make great music for 1970 or 1990, but great music for today, for a market that's super picky and selfish and has ADD. Great is in the ear of the listener, of course, and the definition is simple: if it spreads, then for this market, it's great. By definition, Great cannot create widespread apathy."