Advice please: I have an iPod classic - should I bother getting an iPod Touch or anything else really?
Ok, ok I'm sure there will be those who would advise neither and I'd be interested to hear what they have to say? But as it stands I have a perfectly good iPod classic. The memory isn't immense - 120GB - but that suits me fine as I only put music on the thing anyway and that's more than enough space for me to keep building up what I have now.
What can an iPod Touch offer to someone like me who listens to a lot of music but doesn't really need it for much else? Apart from the fact that it looks nice and has a touch screen (but so does my mobile phone to be honest, so I'm hardly captivated) what other features can it offer? To be honest, the only thing I I look out for is the memory capacity available (just because I like to think I have way more than I need) and the battery life.
Should someone like me be looking to go for a Touch or does the good ol' iPod classic still hold it's own? I'm interested in whether I should be waiting around for something better to come out - I have no idea what? I used to own two Sony MP3 players, which I was actually rather fond of but the hardware/ software just fell behind. I'd like a Sony again sometime but basically they're shit aren't they?
So should I just stick with what I've got and if so, what exactly am I holding out for anyway? What does any music lover look for in their portable music player?